We operate a robust privacy policy – of which this is the short version: We don’t collect any personal data from you for simply using this website. Obviously to make a booking we will need your details to fulfil your order. This information may be collected by us or our booking partners who issue our zombie vouchers.
We will never share any information with anyone else if it does not relate directly with making a booking. We do not rent or sell your personal information. We may email you to follow up on a query that you have submitted, to make sure that you are satisfied with the outcome.
We respect your privacy and truly appreciate the opportunity to share our zombie website with you. If you’ve enjoyed visiting us, please do share it with your friends, Tweetisphere, Facebook contacts and anyone else who makes eye contact with you for longer than three seconds – it’s a busy, messy online world out there, and we’d value any help you can give in helping us reach out to more zombie fans!
This site uses cookies. Like virtually every other website out there, it cannot really function without them.
But new EU laws say that we have to tell you such things. Our tiny cookies collect anonymous data that allows us to provide a streamlined and intuitive experience for you. You can delete cookies via your browser privacy settings should you ever have concerns about a website you have visited – but obviously one that deals with zombies, mass killings and soiled underwear is doubtful to make your list… If you continue using our site, we’ll take that as complied consent to use cookies if that’s ok; but please do refer to our full privacy policy below should you require any further information.